Downloads & Shareables

These resources were created just for you! Print them out to share with friends, family, coworkers, neighbors — whoever would benefit. They are approved for use and distribution in group and educational settings.

These resources may not be altered, edited, cropped, or re-distributed under a different name. Resources that do not have cited sources were created using knowledge from personal experience, affirmed by peers with Rheumatoid Arthritis. These resources are educational and are not a substitute for medical advice and/or treatment from a licensed medical professional.

Your generosity fuels Flare Family.

Flare Family is free to use and always will be. Your generosity fuels Flare Family and allows me to devote time, energy, and resources to this mission. Transparency reports are published at the end of each quarter here so you can see where your money goes. Thank you for being here and thank you for being an advocate for chronically ill folks.